How does it work? SSSCAT is a motion detector activated spray device. Through its P.I.R. sensor, the unit detects changes in the temperature profile in front of it thereby detecting the displacement of animals whose body temperature is higher than the ambient air. Once the motion is detected, a solenoid valve releases a large spray towards the animal thereby scaring it. The animal is soon conditioned to avoid the SSSCAT
Can other sources of heat set off the device? Yes, heat sources such as heaters and direct sunlight can possibly set off the device.
What is included in the kit? The kit includes a SSSCAT spray device, a 285 gm can of aerosol and an instruction booklet.
What kind of batteries are required? 4 X 1.5 Volts AAA batteries.
What is included in the aerosol and can it harm my animal? The aerosol is 100% HFC134a ( 1,1,1,2 tetrafluoroethane ) propellant. It is the same propellant that is used in breathable aerosol products. It is non-toxic, non-flammable and ozone-friendly.
How many sprays are in the can? When the spray starts to weaken, 355 sprays. When there is only air coming out, 368 sprays.
What is the meaning of PIR in PIR sensor? PIR = Passive Infra Red.